Thereโ€™s just something about a handwritten note

When I was in college (Go TIGERS!) I loved going to the campus post office to check my post office box for mail.  

And even though it’s been several, (ok many, many) years since I was a college student, I still remember my post...

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Are You Pursuing Your Lifelong Dream?


I ran across this astonishing statistic. 

Only 8% of people achieve their dreams. 

That got me wondering, why is it that so few people achieve their dreams?

  • Is it that people are not truly committed to their dream?
  • Do they doubt...
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Standing Out From The Crowd With Your Unique Personal Brand - Freddie Blanton


Sometimes life comes at you like a Nolan Ryan curveball. We might get something we are not expecting and we are not ready for! 

But we get creative with what life throws our way and we do what it takes to become successful. 


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How Planning for "Rattlesnakes" Will Keep You From Getting Bit.

It was a typical Wednesday morning. I was jogging on our ranch in West Texas. Jogging is not something I enjoy, or even do much of. I was “training” for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot. That’s a story for another day....

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Do Your Team Members Know You Care? - Sally Rush


Have you ever received feedback at work that felt like a punch in the gut? If you have, then you know it’s not a good feeling at all.

I conduct a lot of team assessments. There’s almost always a couple of areas on the assessment...

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Should Your Company or Project Have Core Values?

As the leadership team concluded a meeting and everyone was leaving the conference room, the project director pulled me aside and said in a voice no one else could hear, “I’m stopping all work on the site in one hour.”

An hour...

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Personal Growth Requires Commitment - The Average Dude (Daniel Allison)


I’ve done a lot of things on my personal growth journey. But jumping out of an airplane is NOT one of them! 

You could never talk me into doing that!

But that’s what my friend Daniel Allison, The Average Dude, decided to do...

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Motivation to Achieve Tough Goals - Greg Spindler


When I was a senior in high school I was on the tennis team. 

The worst part of EVERY practice was running. We had a dreadful running drill involving lots of short runs back and forth between the lines of the tennis court. 


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Landing Your Project in the Successful 40% - Josh Rowan


Statistically only 40% of capital projects are successful.

Josh says, "Projects don't always turn out like you thought they would. Rarely is it one single thing that torpedoes the project - it's usually a series of things that combine...

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Achieving Extraordinary Results on a $1.3 Billion Fast Track Project - Angie Garg


Angie Garg shares her TEAM OF A LIFETIME journey on a specific, critical project she led. 

Angie was faced with forming cohesive team among a group of people who had not previously worked together. A team that would...

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