Why Teams Need Introverts and Extroverts


What comments did your teachers write about you?

Remember how in elementary and middle school your teachers, in addition to giving you a grade, would also write comments about you on your report cards?

Did they say…?

“She needs to speak up more in class.”

Or did they say…?

“He talks too much in class.”

While we didn’t know it at the time, those were our first clues about whether we are an introvert or extrovert. 

Now, years after elementary school we’re trying to work well with other people.

Some of those people are like us and we tend to relate well to them.

Others are not like us and we don’t always recognize how those differences are positive contributions to the work that needs to be done.  

This week on The Team of a Lifetime podcast, Summer Turner, an expert on introverts and extroverts in the workplace shares valuable insight for improving team performance by utilizing the strengths of introverts and extroverts.

After my conversation with Summer Turner, I dug out my 8th grade report cards and found exactly what she and I were talking about! 

My math teacher wrote “Sally does nice work. She needs to participate more in class discussion.”

With those not so stellar grades in math, hopefully I was paying attention to the teacher trying to improve my grades!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What comments did your teachers write about you on your report cards?



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